Board Directors’ Emerging Role with Cyber Security

Interview the Expert An Interview With Rick WilliamsRick is a Partner with the Newport Board Group. He advises CEOs and boards at critical decision points – especially during important transactions or transitions. Rick was president of the Harvard Business School Assoc. of Boston and was a management consultant with Arthur D. Little.  Interviewer – Geri DenterleinGeri Denterlein … Read more

Election Hacks – Learn from History

How did that happen?  That’s what thousands of company executives will be asking themselves over the next few years. Based on a past article from The New York Times, hackers hired by the Russian government stole emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and paraded them on WikiLeaks — among other sites — for all … Read more

The Hidden Danger of Cyber Risk

Cyber theft costs corporate America dearly—to the tune of $8.64 Million per incident, according to a report sponsored by IBM, conducted independently by Ponemon Institute LLC.  Yet most companies don’t realize how exposed they are.   They assume their state-of-the-art technology systems and written policies protect them.  That’s a mistake. Their biggest exposure rides up and … Read more

Quantifying Cyber Risk

There are three options for risk – mitigate, accept or transfer. But a vital element in the decision process is quantifying the cost or value loss a company would incur if a threat comes to pass. When it comes to cybersecurity risks, these facts do not change, but how to quantify the real-world impact is … Read more

GDPR – What’s it all About?

My curiosity was peaked when I received an invitation from the law firm of Mintz Levin to attend a seminar on the topic of GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation – a regulation that went into effect in the European Union.  The panelists were experts in the field of cyber security regulation Cynthia LaRose, Chair, … Read more

The Hidden Risk in Every M&A Deal and What to do About It

Interview the Expert An Interview With Tom Burton Thomas R. Burton, III is a Partner at Mintz Levin in the Corporate & Securities Section and is the founder and chair of the firm’s Energy Technology Practice. Tom received his J.D. from Boston College. [email protected] / /  Interviewer – Marcus McInnis Marcus McInnis, as the Director of Operations … Read more

Top Cyber Crime Trends Identified by Europol

According to the report Internet Organized Crime Threat Assessment (iOCTA) from Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), cyber crime continues to rise, and in some member states incident counts now exceed those of traditional crimes. This is in spite of the avalanche of new regulations and security standards being designed and implemented. While it is true … Read more

Even the Biggest Companies Have Cyber Security Breaches

Cyber security incidents seem to be happening with increasing frequency. Almost daily, some of the world’s largest and most successful companies are being breached.  Huge corporations, such as eBay, Myspace, Anthem and Target, have suffered significant damages from security breaches. The culprit? Cyber hacking. How? At first thought, you may wonder how some of these … Read more

Reveal Cyber Naiveté as Incidents Rise and Losses Mount

The results of a survey of 200 CEO’s conducted by RedSeal make it clear that more than 80 percent of CEO’s surveyed display “cyber naiveté,” allowing their global organizations to be exposed to massive cyber attacks. In spite of increasing spending on cybersecurity infrastructure, losses from cyber crime have been growing at a rate twice that … Read more

Healthcare and Cyber Attacks – Like Flies to Honey!

The healthcare industry has become a very attractive target for cyber attack over recent years. With the mandate for Electronic Medical Records (EMR), in addition to conversion efforts, many organizations are undertaking integration with new service providers, third party vendors and merger partners. All this churn in the industry is like chumming shark infested waters, … Read more