Helping CEOs Understand the Cyber Threat Landscape

Typically, a company’s CEO is more concerned with profits, brand, shareholders and future opportunities than they are about tactical day-to-day operational issues like cyber security. Yet according to AT&T’s annual report, more than 90% of attacks they log are preventable! Since few things can destroy a company’s reputation faster than a data breach, and the … Read more

Hacks Are Coming! Is Your Business Prepared?

According to AT&T Cybersecurity Insights, 62 percent of organizations acknowledge that they were breached. As if that figure isn’t alarming enough, keep in mind that it does not account for the cyber hacks that have gone undetected. The number of actual breaches may be substantially larger. Cyber hacks are expensive. A successful breach could result … Read more

Today’s financial cyber regulation – an alert to all industries

State government officials realize that cyber security needs to be promoted throughout private industry financial sectors, but few have issued any state-wide initiatives to mandate change—until now. The state of New York is enforcing cyber security regulations for financial entities. The New York State Department of Financial Services is enforcing a new proposal that helps … Read more

How to Assess the Human Risk in Cyber Security Insurance

By Steven Schwartz | Founder | Global Cyber Consultants, LLC Security Incidents and Data Breaches pose huge risks for Directors & Officers across almost every industry.  For many years, cyber security was traditionally siloed with the primary focus on technology and reliance on the IT Department. However, the threat landscape has changed, and personal wealth is … Read more

UMass Dartmouth Threat Readiness Survey: Employees Are Not Equipped

Interview the Expert An Interview With Dr. Timothy P. Shea Timothy Shea, D.B.A., is an Associate Professor of Management Information Systems in the Charlton College of Business at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He received his D.B.A. in Management Information Systems from Boston University. Dr. Shea’s research has recently focused on the delivery and management … Read more

Getting Hacked? Chances Are High That It Will Happen to You

Cyber attacks against organizations of all sizes are at an all-time high. In a recent article in the Financial Times, Mark Hawksworth of Cunningham Lindsay says “hackers are increasingly targeting smaller businesses because larger employers have more resources to protect themselves, making smaller companies more vulnerable.” In many cases, large organizations are also at a … Read more

Approaches to Cyber Security Defense Maturing, But Missing the Point?

As companies continue to develop and mature their cyber security defense capabilities, they may be missing a key point – addressing human behavior as a potential security threat. Nuix, a global technology company, recently released a “Defending Data” report based on findings from their third annual survey of Information Security personnel. The report shows that … Read more

Email and the Human Firewall

Firewalls are designed to partition a network and define what is and is not allowed to pass through from one side to the other. They are intended to be a control gate only allowing desired transactions to reach the appropriate systems, and blocking everything else. But how you address the eventuality of unwanted email, for … Read more

Fake News is Not So New in Cyber Security

Biased reporting of the news is nothing new, but outright fabrication of stories by mainstream media seems to have taken on a life of it’s own recently. Ironically, so-called “fake news” is also nothing new, when dealing with the Internet and especially social media outlets. But what may be surprising to some, fabricated news stories … Read more

Is Your Medical Data Available to Cyber Criminals?

In the mysterious world of the dark web, medical records are available for sale every day in spite of the fact that they only fetch a fraction of what a full financial record is worth. Still, they are available, and they do sell, so for many people, the answer is yes, your medical data is … Read more